Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Good Stuff

The past little while has been filled with some bad news. Our good friend that had the bone marrow transplant last fall is back in the hospital undergoing chemotherapy as his cancer has returned. A close friend received some bad test results.
I am praying and thinking positive thoughts for everyone I care about that is going through the bad stuff.
News like that makes it hard but I am trying to focus on the good stuff.
* My MS team is growing thanks to wonderful friends and family. Along with that, we are getting closer to our fundraising goal.
* There are so many people who are doing so many things to raise money for the MS walk. I am constantly amazed by the support.
* I found out the is a compassionate pay program through the beta plus for my very expensive MS meds. The money we thought we would have to cover out of pocket is now completely covered by this co. Pay program.

Soon I will start the injections of the good stuff, it is going to slow down the progression of this disease, but for the fist while it is going to bring some bad stuff. The side effects are going to make my symptoms worse and there will be flu like side effects, not to mention the soreness at the injection sights. I hold on to the thought " What doesn't kill me makes me stronger". Betaseron is going to make me stronger, along with the love and support.
They are some of my good stuff.

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