Wednesday, July 28, 2010


My 5 year old asked me yesterday if she will get a stepdaddy like Tay and Austin have when she gets older.
She is starting to understand the divorced and blended families but it is still hard for a little one to figure out.
The little ones both miss Tay when she is gone and went through an adjustment period when Austin first moved to his Dad's. 
The other night Austin was over and he was helping with bedtime and hugging the kids and tucking them in and McKinley said "See you in the morning Austin".  Then there was a long pause where Austin and I didn't know what to say and McKinley says "oh ya you are at your Daddy's, but we will see you soon".
Even the kids are just takes time.  I think the part that makes is easier to handle is the time we do spend with Austin is so wonderful and positive.  The little ones love jumping on the trampoline with the big kids and playing motorcycles with them.  Austin has a real interest and interacts with the kids when he comes to visit. 
The family dynamic has changed and McKinley and Reid have even realized that things are different than they used to be.  But the part we have to focus on is that there is a lot more positive and healthy relationship moments in our family. 
That focus will help ensure McKinley & Reid dont get a stepdaddy when they get older :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I promise to always love you...
I promise to always have fun with you!
I promise to admit when I am wrong!
I promise to respect you!
I promise to trust you!
I promise to give you freed and space!
I promise to worry about you!
I promise to forgive you!
I promise to help you find your dreams and let you live them!
And finally I promise to be here for you.....always!

These are my promises to my 16 year old son.  Some of these promises are really easy to do.
Always loving you....that is as easy and natural as every breath I take. 

Recently I have really been able to enjoy the time spent together and really have fun.
Admitting when I am wrong is not an easy one.  And I know I have passed on that stubborn hardheaded quality to my son.
As Austin grows and matures into a wonderful young man it is easy to respect and admire who he is becoming.
Trust is another one that is not easy, but he is really trying and working hard at repairing the damage we have in our relationship.  I see the effort he is putting in and know I have to work on the trusting.
I'm a Mom....worry and guilt are a given when you become a mother.  When I hear about a car accident my first instinct is to call or text my son to make sure he is ok.
Forgiveness is something that I am able to give, maybe not as quickly as he would like but because of my unconditional love for my son the forgiveness comes.
Helping him find his dreams and letting him them seems like it would be an easy promise....but it's not.  In doing that I am helping him grow up and move on.  That is a tough one.  I want him to grow up, but not yet.

I will always and forever be here for Austin.  If it means just listening to the troubles of his day or a funny story from work.  It even means the little hugs and shoulder squeezes that without saying a word mean 'I love you'.  The little notes left on his pillow when he comes to visit that tell him how terribly proud I am of my son.
I hope as he grows up he knows how much I love him and want to keep those promises.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


My youngest has turned into a total chatterbox.  He has surprised me as he was nothing like the others in the sleeping, eating, talking developments.  I had assumed he would be more like his Dad.  The strong silent type.  Who knew he had so much me in him? :)
His chatter is constant from sun up to sun down.  And it is hilarious because if he doesnt know the word for something he just makes up a new one.  At the supper table today I heard three new words.  They flow in his sentences as if they had always existed.
Some of the commentary I could do without.  Like "This cauliflower is disgusting".  Luckily it was quickly followed by "What is disgusting?". 
He's starting to figure out feelings now.  When Grandpa gave him a toy he told me he was so proud.  Then later in the week he said his buddy Treyson hit him at daycare and he was so embarrassed.  I just have to smile and try to explain the different feelings.

I enjoy sitting back and watching my youngest two carry on a conversation.  Not that long ago McKinley was doing all the talking for the both of them, but now Reid not only talks he actually contributes to the conversation.  There they sit, growing up right before my very eyes.

Monday, July 19, 2010

You've got a friend in me

Andy: Now Woody, he's been my pal for as long as I can remember. He's brave, like a cowboy should be. And kind, and smart. But the thing that makes Woody special, is he'll never give up on you... ever. He'll be there for you, no matter what.

I watched Toy Story 3 for the 2nd time on the anniversary of my Dad's death.  I have to admit I openly cried during this show, in part from the story line and in part because of my emotions from the day.
But the end of the movie Andy spoke to ME.  He was telling me that Dad is brave, kind and smart.  He said that what makes my Dad special is that he'll never give up on me....ever.
He'll be there for me, no matter what.

Thanks Andy.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Some Great News

Friends of ours got some amazing news.  News they have been praying for.  Our friend who is battling leukemia has found out they have found him two perfect match donors.
I know they still have a long road ahead of them, but it is nice when your prayers are answered as you travel down the road. 
I will continue to send prayers and positive thoughts to Dwight, Laura and Ruby as they continue down their road.

Friday, July 9, 2010

One year ago today...

"You can shed tears that he is gone,
or you can smile because he has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that he'll come back,
or you can open your eyes and see all he's left.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see him,
or you can be full of the love you shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember him only that he is gone,
or you can cherish his memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what he'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on." 

 This is so comforting to read, but so damn hard to live!!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What would my Dad want me to do?

I have decided to take July 9th as a vacation day from work.  Luckily I have a wonderful boss who was there to support me at my Dad's funeral last year and who also lost her Dad a year previous.  She is fully supportive of me taking the day off. 
I have tried to figure out exactly what I want to do to get through this first anniversary date.  What would be the ideal thing for me to do to get past this?  All that is screaming in my head is "I JUST DON'T WANT THIS DAMN ANNIVERSARY" 

I am trying to reach deep down past all the anger and sadness to find the part of my heart that used to think "what would my Dad want me to do?"  I think he would want me to surround myself with love.
I am going to have a wonderful day with my family.   It will undoubtedly be filled with good times and hard times, but I think it is better if I have that expectation.

My oldest son who recently shared with me his decision to make his temporary move to his Dad's into a permanent one is going to spend the weekend with us.  That fills my heart with such happiness.  Somehow now that I am removed from the intense emotion of that unhealthy parenting situation I am able to enjoy a wonderful relationship with my son.  Austin has turned into a son that I am so proud of.  I am not going to say he is perfect, remember he is 16, but he is doing a great job of growing up into a wonderful young man.

I had many moments over the past year where I felt ashamed of how I parented him or my lack of parenting him.  Again it was another one of those "what would my Dad want me to do?" moments. 
Sometimes when I have those moments it isn't even some big life changing decision.  It could be something as simple as a check engine light on my van that comes on, or how I should hang the curtain tiebacks.  

Hopefully he will be watching down on my family this weekend with pride because I have done some of the things 'my Dad would want me to do'