Saturday, April 16, 2011


If I could do something to get my wayward son back on the right track, I would do it in a heartbeat.  If only he could see for himself these mistakes he is making. 
My 17 year old has been living with his Dad now for a year.  In that year he has managed to manipulate his father and refused to live by the rules of their home.  Simply put Austin has not changed.  It  saddens me to see how bad things are and how hard they are on my exhusband.  What saddens me the most is that everyone can clearly see, everyone except Austin. 
Nuckter informed me yesterday that he is dropping classes at school.  He knows full well that this will make it impossible for him to graduate.  He refused to try different medication that was suggested for his ADD, even though all of those around him can see his meds are not working.  He is dishonest and disrespectful. 

Whenever someone asks me how Austin is doing I usually say "good" or "ok".  I dont want to have to tell  others that I am scared to death that he is going to continue to make the wrong choices in his life and it is going to negatively affect his future.  I dont want to admit that he is self centered and rarely thinks of others in his life.  I dont want people to know just how upset and troubled I am thinking about him. 
After talking to Nuckter yesterday I realize he is close to the end of his rope.  He is where we were last year before Austin moved out of our home. 
What will happen if Nuckter gets to the end of that rope ?  Austin cannot move back here.  Given everything that is going on in my life and how stress can affect MS I cannot risk living through what we did. 
Where does that leave Austin?  And the more important question is WHY cant Austin learn from his life lessons?  What is it going to take for him to 'get it'?

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