Sunday, February 27, 2011

March 3rd

I have a date.
The call came Wednesday evening while I was driving home from Tay's ringette practice. Bob was at home with the kids and he took the call. He then called my cell, which Tay answered because I was driving. When she relayed the information to me I was so happy I almost cried. The appointment was still 8 days away, but now there was a date and time. I could put it in the calendar. I could PLAN.
The previous night I shared a little more with Austin and Tay what is going on with me. They asked a few questions and I could tell they were worried. I'm so sorry I did that to them. I know exactly how they feel because I was around the same age when my mom went away to the hospital for surgery. The big difference is that my parents never shared with us so I was left knowing something was up but not knowing what it was. I thought the worst and I can still remember those feelings. I didn't want to put my kids through the same thing.
I know sharing a little more of my fears and the truths was hard on them, but in the end I think it is good.

Tay confirmed that I did the right thing in sharing this informayption with them. After the phone call with the MRI date she said, "The 3rd is a good day for an MRI. 3 is my favorite number, 33 is your favorite number. It's going to be a lucky day."

A few more sleeps and we have a lucky day.

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