Friday, April 9, 2010

Introduction to Insanity

Welcome to my world!
It's funny because thinking back to a few years ago I was a firm believer that I had life under control. I love lists, I love scheduled tasks, I love knowing what comes next. Looking back now I realize that was just a false sense of security. I tried to control things that were out of my control. I am a Mom to 4 kids, that right there should have clued me in on the fact that there was going to be some insanity in my day to day life.
I am coming to terms with living with this insanity. Some days we can coexist together quite nicely...many days I even embrace the insanity.

I think I can qualify the insanity by giving an example. In my younger years with two little ones in the back seat I drove through the McDonald's drive-thru ordered, drove to the window to pay and then promptly drove right past the second window and was on my way home. I like to think the reason they renovated all the drive-thru line ups to make them a single pay and pick up window was because there are others out there like me...inches from insanity.

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