Monday, October 15, 2012

The Story of Amanda Todd

I was moved by the recent suicide of a 16 year old girl in Canada. The girl was someone's daughter and made some bad choices in her life. These choices followed her and haunted her. The sad part is there were people that were filled with hatred that bullied her and made her life hell because of these mistakes.

I find this such a sad story because it could have been my story, it could have been my daughters story. It could have been anyone because when you are growing up you make mistakes. That's all part of growing up. Those are your life lessons.

I am not too old to forget the mistakes I made as a teenager, I can also recount several life lessons my teenagers have already experienced.

I find it tragic that this girl felt so alone. I find it hard to comprehend that after her death the haters are still hating.  If I do one thing right as a parent I want to make sure my children know its ok to make mistakes in your life, to choose the wrong decision and still get through it. I also want to make sure that they never EVER do anything to make anyone feel alone.  If someone has made a mistake and feels alone and isn't sure why they are still living I want my children to remind them why they are still here and that they are not alone.

Growing up 20 years ago was scary......watching my children grow up now is even scarier. I want good to win over the hate. I want life to be safe and happy.
The past few days I feel sadness for Amanda and her family, but I pray the good wins and her youtube video is not the ending but the beginning of understanding and compassion.

Amanda Todd

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