Monday, October 29, 2012

"I'm doing good"

I use that phrase several times throughout my day. The coworkers I haven't seen in months all comment on how good I look and ask how I'm doing. To which I automatically respond "I'm doing good". 

I can't tell just anyone how my new normal means I don't have feeling or control of my right hand.  I can't share that sometimes even though I have to pee my bladder doesn't relax and I can't perform the simple function so many take for granted. I couldn't put into words just how awful the side effects of my Sunday night needle are.  How I fear the cold weather and how it causes pain to my hands.  I don't mention the moments where my legs give out, of the itching, tingling and tremors my body randomly experiences that keep me awake many nights. 

Just as I don't want to share these intimate details of my disease, these people also don't want to hear them.  

 So instead I smile and say "I'm doing good". 

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