Monday, March 5, 2012

Disability - A Dirty Word

I received some mail last week that used the word "disability" when describing me.  I am familiar with the word and the meaning: A disadvantage or deficiency that interferes with or prevents normal achievement in a particular area is how it is described in the dictionary.  Looking at the definition I can accept the disadvantage in a particular area.  
I've been living with this disadvantage or deficiency for the past year.  That is not the part of the word that I have a problem with.  The problem is the thoughts the word evokes for me.  I think of not walking, not seeing, using a wheelchair.  That makes it a dirty word because the thoughts are always fear, sadness and dread.
I cant unsee or unknow what I know about MS so those feelings will always be there and disability will always be a dirty word.

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