Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thank You's

There are so many people I need to thank for making my CCSVI trip a success. Not just the doctors and nurses who were able to correct the flow of my veins that will hopefully slow down the progression of my MS. 

I have to thank a good friend and her family for taking care of my family. This isn't a long time friend, but I have realized this week that while we haven't known each other long (since February when our daughters set us up on our blind date) we have a great friendship. I trust her with my children and feel comfortable that she willingly wants to help a friend. Because of this great friendship I didn't worry about the kids. When we checked in on them they were having a great time and things were going smoothly. Thank you for that peace of mind. 

I have other friends that through emails and texts sent their prayers and positive thoughts. I may not have had the time or energy to reply the way I wanted to but I hope they know I truly appreciate it. 

Another thank you goes out to my sweet friend fromSan Diego.  She drove down yesterday for a nice visit and supper. It's been a few years since we have seen each other and the visit was wonderful. It was so good to have that visit to look forward to when I was nervous about the procedure. 

The last person I have to thank is right next to me on the plane. My husband has been right next to me this whole trip. He is my ROCK.  His support and care for me not only this week but since this all began has been tremendous.   This year has really shown me the "That which doesn't break us makes us stronger". Our marriage didn't break and it is so much stronger. That's in part due to the strength Bob gives me, the shoulder he let's me lean on and the love he shares with me. He's a big part of why I have the strength and positive attitude people say I have.  He makes me have hope and helps me focus on the good things in my life. For that I feel so thankful and fortunate. 

I am a very lucky woman who happens to have MS. 

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