Thursday, November 10, 2011

Table for 6 please

For 7 days Austin was staying with us.  I was very anxious about his visit worrying there would be issues that would come up.  I am happy to say that my family of 6 was under one roof for one week and it was pleasant.  It was also natural and felt right. 
I remember years ago when we were a family of 6, at the restaurants, movie theaters, family vacations etc.  The past two years we have been a table for 5 kind of family.  Sure we always said we were a family of 6 or that we had 4 kids, but for people on the outside looking in on our family it looked like we were a family of 5.

I was worried that because it felt so right and natural that I would be overcome with guilt and sadness when Austin left Monday.  Luckily that wasnt the case.  Sadly Austin once again made some very bad choices and chose to not go home all night and also not go to school the next day. 
These choices Austin made helped me realize that we will always be a family of 6, but not always living under the same roof.  Very soon because of Austin's choices he will likely no longer be living under his Dad's roof either. 

And just because he doesn't live here that makes him no less a part of our family.

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