Friday, November 26, 2010

Waving goodbye

Despite of all the issues that have been coming up we are scheduled to board a plane tomorrow morning for a week's vacation in Cancun.
I can say that I smoothly handled all the work issues and crisis' that I faced this week and with a late departure on my last day yesterday I am feeling content that things are left in a good place and hopefully will run smoothly while I am gone.
I can also say that Austin is starting to feel better, recovering from his lingering sickness.  We are  also starting an iron rich diet and supplements for his anemia.  And a new ADHD medication that hopefully will get him back on his path.
The weather while dumping hoards of snow on us, is starting to warm up here and hopefully no more blizzards before we take off tomorrow morning.

I had a mantra I kept repeating this week as the schedule was crazed....."Cancun, soon I will be in Cancun."  It worked like a charm up until last night.  Yes, last night shortly after walking in the door from work/daycare Reid threw up ALL over the kitchen.  It was horrible to have him crying in pain with his sore tummy, and even more horrible having vomit splattering all over us, the walls etc.  But the worst thing is that the saying that helped me through the week was freaking me out "SOON I will be in Cancun"!!!! I will not be at home with my sick little boy, I will be away for 7 entire days. 
I spent much of my night holding and nursing my little baby and thinking those thoughts.
Luckily today is a new day, the toast and rice has stayed down, his colour is better, he isnt complaining of a tummy ache. 
Maybe, just maybe soon I will be in Cancun AND enjoying myself.

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