Friday, August 20, 2010

The Spectrum

Fall is always a time of change.  For me it is the time of beginnings.
This fall there is a whole lot of beginnings going on.

This is the beginning of Austin's grade 11.  This is the beginning of his first school year living with his Dad.
This is also the beginning of Tay's high school years.  This is a big beginning with a different school, classes to work towards graduation and post secondary choices in life.
This is also the beginning of McKinley's elementary school years.  She starts kindergarten this fall.  Sometimes it seems surreal that it could be 6 years since we found out we were expecting.
She is more than ready to start kindergarten, being eager to learn, loving to read and write, and being the social butterfly that she is.

Thinking about all of these beginnings I realize that I am experiencing the whole spectrum of beginning with the school years.  I can still remember Austin and Tay's first days of school and their kindergarten graduation.  I have now experienced two grade 8 graduations and all the emotions that come with it.  Which by the way are much similar to the kindergarten and playschool graduation emotions that I have experienced.
I obviously didnt plan this out well because next year I will be have my first grade 12 graduation to face.  My first born, the little man I brought into this world as a new young Mom, will be graduating from high school. And then a few short months later on the other end of the spectrum I will have my little baby, taking his first steps off to kindergarten.
That is a lot of change and while it seems like they are on the opposite ends of the spectrum I imagine my feelings will be somewhat similar in the two instances.

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