Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I have been thinking a lot lately about memories or moments in your life that are forever etched in your mind.
Sometimes it is the really big moments in your life, like walking down the aisle with Austin the day I married Bob. Or really random small memories like when I was in grade one and had a pink smelly house shaped eraser that I showed my friends on the playground. The memory is so vivid I can still smell it.
I will always remember the feeling and look of my Dad's rough and calloused hands. I will remember the one camping trip where he pushed me so high on the swings I thought I could touch the sky. I also remember the phone call when my mom told me he died. I will never forget my moms screams or laying on the cool tile of my bathroom floor crying.

I remember riding in Bob's sports car the day he sold it. We drove it so fast and I had butterflies in my stomach from the thrill. I remember walking into the front door of the first house Bob and I bought together. I can still smell the fresh paint smell.
I remember my favorite pair of jeans I always wore as a teenager. The winter jacket my Dad took me shopping to buy. I remember making green pudding in elementary school for St Patricks Day.

I always worry my memories are fading or that I'm not as good at recalling my life, but if I think about it I have a lot of memories that make up me.

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