Monday, January 3, 2011


2011 Resolutions

My resolution is to do things with more resolve :)  How's that for specific?  Seriously I want to be more decisive with my life.  I have so many resolutions that come to mind, but I want to act on them.

I resolve to start taking care of myself.  That is a big one in itself.  Eating healthy and being healthy is a big order.  The last part of 2010 I made some life changes that resulted in some weight loss.  Seeing the positive effects of that weight loss has motivated me to continue with this in 2011.  It is made easier by my husband's effort as well.  The 'strength in numbers' is so accurate.  When I was younger I used to want to be skinny and/or more attractive.  With age comes wisdom.  Now I want to be healthier.  I want to live longer, I want to enjoy the life our family has built.  

I resolve to work hard at improving my relationship with Austin.  I am just now beginning to understand how much my relationship with him has changed.  That change is in part from the fact he is no longer living with us, but it is also due to the fact he is growing up.  
With the same resolve I want to maintain the good relationships I have with Tay, McKinley and Reid and continue to appreciate the positives that each of my children bring into my life.

I am known by my friends and family as uberorganized, but I resolve to work at improving that organization in our family.  The days and weeks that I prepare with meal planning, household chores, kids activities I feel a sense of accomplishment and more importantly a calmness.  I resolve to find that calmness more often in 2011

My last and most important resolution:  I am determined to attend a FOAF Meet-Up if one should occur in 2011.  There is a group of girls I have formed an unexplainable bond with.  I cannot begin to describe what they have given me or done for me over the past 7 years.  The unique and sometimes negative characterstic of this special friendship is that we are very spread out geographically.  I hope one day that all of us will be able to get together and share in person-face to face, what is normally spread over the miles. 

Hopefully posting these resolutions will make me accountable. 
Happy New Year and all the best in 2011!!

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