Tuesday, January 4, 2011


My 5 year old daughter provided us with some very insightful information (and a good laugh) at the supper table recently.
She began informing us that people can have earrings in other places besides their ears.  She proceeded to list off the nose, tongue, eyebrow, lips etc as the different places she has seen earrings.  In fact her kindergarten teacher has a nose ring. 
She then leaned over to Tay and quietly whispered to her that she has even seen a guy with earrings on his 'nickels'.  At that point my very knowledgeable 14 year old was beginning to correct her by saying, "No, it isn't nickels....."  To which I quickly shushed her. 

My husband and I spent several days trying to figure out just how she would have seen something like this.  As you can guess my very conservative accountant husband does NOT in fact have 'nickel' piercings.  Later that week we took McKinley to her swimming lessons.  While waiting for the classes to be called it became clear to us.  There was a young father waiting with his infant for the parent/tot swim that had long hair and had much of his body covered in tattoo's.  And sure enough.....in the middle of all that art work on his chest was earrings on his two 'nickels'. 
Count on my clever and observant 5 year old to notice the little details huh?

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