Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Stress & Lessons Learned

I have always prided myself on managing the stress in my life. Which I think has been beneficial for me and my fight against MS.

What I didn't consider was the stress that affects those around me and how they handle it. And more importantly the guilt I feel for being a major source of that stress.
My recent MS attack was a stress in my life, lots of uncertainty and unknowns but I was still able to find the positive in it. There is no more denying or second guessing my disease. There was a shift in my focus back to my health and my family.

The stress I caused my husband by this attack wasn't as positive. He already had issues managing stress and doesn't have many tools to cope with the stressful moments in his life. I realize I am not the only factor in his life that causes him stress but I am not naive in realizing I am probably the #1, especially in peak moments like an attack.

I have learned some important lessons over the past few years thanks to my MS.

I am not defined by my MS. My life is about how I respond to this disease. Each step is like a test and often after the fact I find a lesson learned through it all.

The control that I had in my life before my diagnosis and miss every day was not real. I was comforted by something that didn't really exist. I had to let go of that notion. That is something I still struggle with. 

My husband, my family and my friends are the biggest reason why I still have my positive attitude and am able to handle the stress I am faced with. Their support through all this has made every obstacle that much easier to overcome.

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